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Welcome Tom Daddario. A Master Of Connection, Enjoying a Life of Mentorship and Sales Excellence

October, 31, 2023
Tom Jumping for Joy at the Tropical Retreat between Justin and Nathaniel Lemon of Smart Dwellings Wyoming

Tom” Jumping for Joy” at the Tropical Retreat, in between the knowledge-seeking Justin and Nathaniel Lemon of Smart Dwellings, WY.

I am absolutely thrilled and honored to welcome my lifelong friend and mentor, Tom Daddario, into our fold as a full-time sales coach. Tom's journey from a distinguished career in sales leadership to becoming a passionate mentor is nothing short of inspiring, and I couldn't be happier to have him on our team, coaching others the way he has helped me.

Tom Daddario: A Legacy of Sales Excellence

Tom Daddario's career in sales reads like a tale of relentless pursuit and unwavering commitment. For over 30 years, he has sold homes and managed sales for some of the most prominent builders in the industry, including Beazer, KB Homes, Lennar, M/I Homes, Ryland, and Standard Pacific. His remarkable track record and deep industry expertise have set him apart as a true sales leader.

However, Tom's story goes far beyond impressive sales figures. It's about a passion for sales, a dedication to his craft, and an innate ability to inspire and guide others. It's no surprise that Tom has earned a well-deserved reputation as an exceptional mentor to so many in our industry.

Bromance between Quint Lears, Tom and Roland after sunrise Yoga on the beach

“Bromance” between Quint Lears, Tom and Roland after Sunrise Yoga on the beach! Ready to make a difference sharing their knowledge together.

A Mentor Who Has Transformed Careers

My personal connection with Tom Daddario goes back to the mid-80s when our paths first crossed. Tom was working on-site for a builder in West Palm Beach, and as a local Realtor ®, I bought Tom some clients who in my mind were truly a long shot, and years away from wanting to move. I remember receiving a call from Tom about a week later saying:

“Good news Roland, your clients are building a home, to close in twelve months. Please  come in tomorrow and pick up your upfront commission check!”

Say what Tom, my pleasure! I am embarrassed to admit that I used that commission, which truly felt like a gift from the heavens,  to put a deposit on my dream Luxury Real Estate Vehicle! Little did I know that this chance encounter would set the stage for a lifelong friendship that would forever transform my career.   Tom provided invaluable coaching and insights during those early days, and I quickly realized that his passion for sales went far beyond just closing sales. It was about helping others realize their full potential, guiding them toward excellence, and fostering a spirit of growth and development. His impact on my career and the careers of many others has been immeasurable.

Tom Daddario offers authentic training from real-world experience and is a licensed NLP Coach

Authentic Training from Real-World Experience - Licensed NLP COACH

Tom and I share a common philosophy when it comes to training and coaching – authenticity is the key to success. Both of us firmly believe that training should stem from real-world experience. Tom's journey, which includes roles in sales, leadership, and exemplifies this philosophy. Like me, Tom has been in the trenches, faced the challenges, and enjoyed the rewards of a successful new home sales career.

Tom is a licensed NLP coach, this stand for Neuro-linguistic Programming; which is the art and science of human connection at a deeper level. This was founded by  Richard Bandler and Robert Grinder in the 70’s and made famous by world renowned life coach Anthony Tonry Robbins.

Tom in a real life training using NLP techniques to train new home sales specialists

Tom teaches our students across the country how to build rapport, listen, adapt, mirror, and connect at the highest level.  Since the eyes are the mirror to the soul, Tom teaches an intriguing class on understanding eye movement to understand what is happening beneath the surface, known as eye accessing. He also shows how to delve deeper and understand clients' “Dominant Buying Motives” and find out people's real why, fears, and what makes them discontent. Rest assured that he teaches this only to help enrich people’s lives, never to manipulate them. Tom and I share the value of only wanting to improve and enrich the lives of those we meet and share a servant's heart.

Here we are with Tom at Shea Homes in Charlotte (now Empire Communities), where Tom is showing the eye-accessing exercise with my dear friend April Gilmore their talented senior Design Studio consultant. He asks a series of questions, and the audience is having fun deciding what is real and what came from April's fertile imagination.

Tom with the Amazing Sales Stars and old friends from the Empire Communities Team in Charlotte North Carolina

Tom with the Amazing Sales Stars - and old friends - from the Empire Communities Team in Charlotte, NC.

Tom's journey has now come full circle, and it is with immense joy that I welcome him to the New Home Sales Plus team. As a full-time sales coach, he brings a treasure trove of experience, knowledge, and passion to our team. In the journey of life, we often encounter individuals who leave an indelible mark. Tom Daddario is one such person in my life, a mentor and a dear friend whose passion for sales and commitment to others have made a profound impact. I am overjoyed to have him as part of the New Home Sales Plus team and look forward to the positive influence he will have on the next generation of sales professionals and leaders.

Here we are with the illustrious team from Hughston Homes, at our Tropical Retreat, celebrating their graduation.

Here we are with the illustrious team from Hughston Homes, at our Tropical Retreat, celebrating their graduation.

Tom lives in St. Augustine, Florida with his wife LeAnn, and son, Colton.  Tom, welcome aboard!  Your wisdom, experience, and dedication will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and success of many.

Roland Nairnsey and tom Daddario

Here we are together recently, with a lot more lines on our faces than when we first met and worked together back in the mid1980s, when Tom sold my clients a home, and I received an upfront commission as the Realtor ® and bought myself a new luxury car!

Learn more about Tom in the brief video below!


Tom, the future is brighter with you on our team, and I couldn't be more excited to embrace it together and share your wisdom with salespeople and managers all across the country.

Roland Nairnsey


New Home Sales Plus;


By Roland Nairnsey

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