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2024 - 24 New Graduates Take New Home Sales By Storm

May, 13, 2024
New Home Sales Plus Virtual Academy

Congratulations to the 24 new home sales specialists from 10 different home builders, all across the country, who just graduated from our Spring New Home Sales Training Program, the Virtual Academy.  I am so proud of each one of them for their dedication and commitment to self-development.

Brooke Scott graduate of New Home Sales Plus Virtual Academy 2024

We had many levels of experience in the group from brand new, to experienced, and many in between.  A few of the attendees have recently been recruited by companies we work with and wanted to get up to speed and on the same page as the rest of their sales team; who have already trained with me and learned the secrets of the “Newest A-Z of Home Sales”. This is the playbook that their companies have based their sales process on successfully for so many years.

For example,  Travis Lehr who is Vice President of Sales at Landmark Homes based in Hershey, Pa, shared the following about Dontell Robinson, who was already an experienced and successful salesperson when he attended the Academy.

“We recently, had the opportunity to add Dontell Robinson to our amazing sales team. While Dontell came to us highly qualified as 2023 Harrisburg Builder’s Association Salesperson of the Year, it was critical to share with him the structured approach with  Landmark and New Home  Sales + sales process, and allow him to leverage his knowledge, skills and most importantly, his infectious positivity and genuine personality when working with our prospective buyers.

Since graduating the program, Dontell has written 9 agreements with a Lead to Sales conversion rate of 21%, 6% above the company’s average conversion rate.”

graduate of NHSP virtual academy

Well done Dontell, and Travis, for investing in his future! I was very impressed when Dontell opted to re-write his entire presentation based on my written feedback and resubmit it to me; dramatically improving its impact. Plus, Dontell also attended our optional mortgage class, to learn how to use our Free App, and become comfortable guiding customers to more sales by understanding the numbers.

Angelica Bowles graduate of NHSP Virtual Academy 2024

Also pictured are Amber Cohen and Brooke Scott of Empire Communities in North Carolina, Angelica Bowles of Keystone Home of NC, Vern Thompson of Forbes Capretto Homes in Buffalo New York, and Ray Debetaz from Alvarez Construction in Louisiana. Both Brooke and Angelica have experience with other builders, but have not received the in-depth structured training that their new sales managers have found works so effectively.

Amber Cohen Graduate of 2024 New Home Sales Plus Virtual Academy 2024

There were so many great stories of extra effort by the attendees, such as Amber who is new to home sales and did such an amazing job with the one large homework assignment of writing out her sales process based on the template and principles in the training manual. Her presentation was colorful, full of great storytelling that captured the imagination and also followed the process flawlessly.   Here is what Amber said about what she learned over the five weeks of classes:

The virtual Academy was an intriguing and unique experience. Some of my biggest takeaways were learning new ways to build  rapport, learning better verbiage, and interactive ways to guide tours throughout the model home. I’ve been able to apply everything I’ve learned towards my role as an Associate. I am engaging more with customers by asking questions, and pushing customers to the next step, following the tour layout of the model and much more.

Vernon Thompson graduate of New Home Sales Plus Virtual Academy 2024

Also pictured is Vernon “Vern” Thompson, who just started with Forbes Capretto Homes, a highly successful luxury home builder based in Buffalo, New York. Vern has spent his life in the restaurant business and felt that he had reached the ceiling in that industry.  He was feeling burned out with the crazy hours, and he dreamt of a better life in our fabulous industry. Interestingly, Vern is also a City Council member in his small town of Cheektowaga, NY.  Thankfully his new boss the talented Alex Miller, saw potential in Vern, as did I, after his Zoom interview with me.  Vern was hired on the condition that he embrace the sales process that we teach; which is proven to yield consistent and replicable sales success.  So far so good, Vern is progressing well as he is assisting the Community Managers write plenty of new business, while he trains and develops his own skills and self-confidence. 

Another super student standout was Stephanie Anders of Pacific Lifestyle Homes in Vancouver, Washington, who sent in her excellent written sales presentation within an hour of being given the assignment, showing a passion for her own personal development. Stephanie wrote me a nice note and shared:

“Thank you Roland, for all the very useful tips and structure. I learned to ask more open ended questions and use the discovery questions every chance that I can.”

Her colleague David McDuffee sent back one of the finest presentations I have ever had the pleasure of reviewing. I am happy to hear from their managers that Stephanie and David have both been promoted to full Salesperson status and have been selling homes at a very high conversion rate.

Life is a kahoot having fun while learning

Life is a Kahoot – Having Fun While Learning

We kicked off training most weeks with a brief trivia game based on the previous weeks' curriculum. Congrats to all of our Podium winners, you were a highly competitive and fun group.

If you can dream it you can do it

If You Can Dream It, Do It!

We ended session 5, talking about our dreams, and how we could make them come true while helping others accomplish theirs, by fulfilling their dreams of owning a brand new home.

This is a picture of a young me with the world-famous actor James Earl Jones. He was starring in the first screenplay that I had ever written and came to open a park in West Palm Beach, that my sister Abi and I had worked on for years and was near and dear to our hearts. Simply put, this picture is not designed to brag, but hopefully to inspire!  Life rewards those that take action, and actively seek to enrich the lives of those around them as well improving our own lives. Typically, the only thing holding us back is our own fear and lack of belief in ourselves. So, I firmly believe, if you can dream it, do it….. 

New Home Sales Plus app trainging

Optional Free Follow-Up Training - “It’s in The Numbers” – Mortgage Mastery – Using our Free app NHS sales + to guide potential customers to the Sale.

New Home Sales Plus app

This future Rock Star Sales group, met with me two weeks after Graduating from the VA, to practice and work on their mortgage skills. Pictured are Dontell Robinson of Landmark Homes, me,  Michael Caruso of Sterling Real Estate Group,  who is now successfully selling modular homes,  Amber Cohen of Empire Communities, Angelica Bowles of Keystone Homes of NC, and Rick Gargiulo, also of Sterling Real Estate Group.

I developed a mortgage app, many years ago, which we give away free to our customers. This is now being used by thousands of new home sales professionals, to make extra sales, by guiding their customers with important monthly investment estimates.

There are many prospective buyers who have no idea of what an approximate monthly would be and aren’t ready to endure the rigmarole of being pre-quailed by a lender. This App is not meant to be used to qualify customers but to help guide them and make sure we are showing them homes that meet their monthly investment target. For me training is about action, like riding a bike or playing an instrument, we learn from doing not sitting in a classroom. We learned how to easily estimate the monthly investment with today’s rate, and then how to adjust factors if the payment was too high; plus other practical tips such as “Reduce to the Daily”.  Kudos to this passionate group, for putting in some extra time to master the numbers needed to sell extra homes.

New Home Sales Plus Virtual Academy Training Graduation Time

Graduation Time

Finally, after 5 live Zoom sessions, with over 15 hours of interactive live content, and 15 assignments completed, it was time Graduate. Here is the Roll Call of all of the 24 graduates of The Spring 2024 Virtual Academy, along with their company, town, and State.  Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to introduce you to our newly minted New Home Sales Plus Graduates. Please welcome ……

Ray Debetaz Alvarez Construction Batton Rouge, LA
Lindsey Gonzalez Alvarez Construction Batton Rouge, LA
Jeana Senti Bosgraaf Homes Holland, MI
Diana Fuentes Bosgraaf Homes Holland, MI
Sarah Brown Bosgraaf Homes Holland, MI
Brooke Scott Empire Communities Charlotte, NC
Amber Cohen Empire Communities Greenville, SC
Vernon Thompson Forbes Capretto Buffalo, NY
Franco Perone Heartland Homes of Florida Port La Belle, FL
Sari Miller Keystone Homes of NC Greenville, NC
Angelica Bowles Keystone Homes of NC Greenville, NC
Cathy Caldwell Keystone Homes of NC Greenville, NC
Katie Will Landmark Homes of PA Lancaster Eerie, PA
Dontell Robinson Landmark Homes of PA Lancaster Eerie, PA
Lana Lowell Neal Communities Sarasota, FL
Vicki Thomson Pacific Lifestyle Homes Vancouver, WA
David McDuffee Pacific Lifestyle Homes Vancouver, WA
Barbury Smith Pacific Lifestyle Homes Tacoma, WA
Tess Henderson Pacific Lifestyle Homes Tacoma, WA
Nick B Garrette Custom Hoems Vancouver, WA
Rick Gargiulo Sterling Real Estate Group Saratoga Springs, NY
Dave Ryan Sterling Real Estate Group Saratoga Springs, NY
Michael Caruso Sterling Real Estate Group Saratoga Springs, NY
Laurie Barton Sterling Real Estate Group Saratoga Springs, NY

Congratulations to all or our most recent graduates. I am so happy for all of you, and excited about the lives you will be improving by providing the gift of home ownership, as well as enriching your own lives and careers. I am grateful to have been your guide at the beginning of your journey, and genuinely look forward to watching you continue to grow and develop.  

Now go make a difference, and make dreams come true.


Roland Nairnsey

President New Home Sales Plus

By Roland Nairnsey, President New Home Sales Plus

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