We now teach our Flagship Program The Newest A-Z of Home Sales, 100 % Virtually.
Each session includes a matching workbook and assignments. The workbook will be emailed via PDF in advance of the program for you to print.
For attending all five sessions each sales people receive their own personalized graduation certificate.
There are five three-hour sessions, which include a fifteen-minute break in the middle. Each session is recorded and is yours to keep.
You may return to the Virtual Academy and attend any of the five models for free within 12 months.
Seek First to Understand…
How New Home Sales is Like a Three Act Movie, ESP Essential Sales Path (Introduction)
Franchise Mentality (Unless we have covered this already with a Video Conference)
Mastery of Communication
How New Home Sales is like a Three-Act Play (In-depth)
Act 1 = Greeting and Discovery
How to Use Numbers to Increase Sales
With interest rates and home prices increasing, it is imperative that salespeople are able to guide clients and allay their fears with a basic understanding of financing. We will show the salespeople how to use the App NH SALES+ to help guide clients with the numbers and create consistent sales success.
Act 2 = Presentation and Demonstration
Act 3 = Closing
More than fifty pages of original material geared solely around closing.
* The students will be given the assignment of writing their own presentation, based upon the simple 3-page step-by-step plan in the workbook, then emailed to Management and Roland for review and editing.
New Home Sales Plus has developed an APP, which includes a simple mortgage calculator and other training tools designed to help increase sales. This is proprietary to New Home Sales Plus and is only available to clients of New Home Sales Plus. Our Clients are finding that the use of this APP is helping their sales teams to increase sales.
TIME: All programs are on Fridays and are from 2:00 PM EST to 5:15 PM EST.
(This includes a 15-minute break in the middle of the session)
PART 1 – Friday, September 6th, 2:00 pm - 5:15 pm EST
Seek First to Understand, Create a Service Mentality, The New ABC’S, The Essential Sales Path, Franchise Mentality - Treating New Home Sales like a Franchise Opportunity, Introduction to Mastery of Communication, Words.
PART 2 - Friday, September 13th, 2:00 pm - 5:15 pm EST
Body Language, Voice, Listening Skills, How New Home Sales is like a Three-Act Movie (In-depth), Act I = Greeting and Discovery, Discovery in depth.
PART 3 – Friday, September 20th, 2:00 pm - 5:15 pm EST
Presentation Principles, KISS, Features and Benefits & Involvement – FBI selling ©, Preparing the Complete Presentation.
PART 4 – Friday, September 27th, 2:00 pm - 5:15 pm EST
ACT 2 = Demonstration, the power of The Model, Go to the light, Feel, Felt, Founds, Transfer Ownership, Go to the Light, Choices = Commitments = Closing, Close as You Go, Narrow Down to One of a Kind.
PART 5 – Friday, October 4th, 2:00 pm - 5:15 pm EST
ACT 3 = Closing, Developing Your Closing Voice and Persona, Top Ten Closes +, Managing Objections, Create Your Destiny. PLUS: Graduation Ceremony with personalized certificate and Help Me Help You/Evaluation/Feedback, & Action Plans
3 Sales People = $3,250
2 Sales People = $2,475
1 Salesperson = $1,725